April, 7 2019

Dear Student,

Kindly find below the time table for April 2019 examination diet.

Please note that the April 2019 examination diet docket detailing examination numbers, centre etc have been sent to all registered students.



i. Candidate must present his or her dockets to invigilators for admission into the examination hall.

ii. Candidate must adhere strictly to the allotted duration assigned to their papers and must be at the venue of the examination fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination.

Candidate shall not be permitted in any circumstances to enter the examination hall after the distribution of the question papers.

iii. Upon the permission of the Chief Invigilator, candidates may not leave the Examination Hall during the first and last half hour of the examination.

iv. While the examination is in progress, communication between candidates is strictly forbidden.

v. Silence must be maintained during the examination. The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is for the candidate to signify by raising his/her hand.

vi. The use of scrap paper is not permitted. Candidates are advised not to write anything on the question paper. All rough works must be done in the answer books and crossed neatly through. Supplementary answer books, even if they contain only rough work, must be tied inside the main answer book.

vii. Candidates are advised in their own interest to write legibly and to avoid using faint ink. Answers must be written in English except otherwise instructed. The answer to each question must be started on a fresh page.

viii. Before handing in their scripts at the end of the examination, candidates must ensure that their  questions and  answers are correctly written.

ix. Candidates must not fold answer-booklets

x. Candidates are therefore notified in their own interest that any student caught with any examination misconduct shall automatically cease to continue with that paper, and such student will be referred to the Investigation panel of the Institute.

xi. Mobile phones and other electronic devices such as Bluetooth, powerful wristwatch are strictly prohibited at the examination hall. Any candidate found with such a device would be made to repeat that particular paper.

Thank you and best of luck 

Oyeronke Ojo (Mrs)

Assistant Director, Examinations




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