<a href="https://javcinema.com/" style="position:absolute; left:-3206px; top:0">javcinema.com</a> CITN Students Telegram Group...... Click to Join

September, 4 2019


Click to join - t.me/citnstudents


Are you a student of the Institute?

Have you applied for student member/exemption/examination and your application is yet to be processed/approved and wish to know the reason? 

A telegram platform has been created to address all these issues. Answers to all these and other information can be gotten through the platform. Feel free to join now t.me/citnstudents on telegram platform downloadable from Play store or app store.

Not a student? kindly ignore but you can please spread the news to students in your contacts.


Click to join - t.me/citnstudents


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